

Developing a leader-powered business


Performance is inseparable from a company’s approach to leadership development.


Developed by Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter, and James Noel, the Leadership Pipeline is a company-wide framework for developing future managers and leaders.

由 Ram Charan、 Stephen Drotter 和 James Noel 开发的领导力管道是一个用于培养未来管理者和领导者的全公司框架。


The Leadership Pipeline is a continual process that ensures a throughput of talented leaders. It is a practical, quickly understood system that clearly explains what is required to work successfully at each leadership level, helping:

  • individuals and companies to understand what is required for excellence at each level
  • individuals to develop their skills, optimize potential and progress their careers
  • organizations to manage and develop talent and to build strategic and organizational capabilities.


  • 个人和公司需要了解在每个层次的卓越需要什么
  • 个人发展他们的技能,优化潜力和提升他们的职业生涯
  • 组织来管理和发展人才,并建立战略和组织能力

How it works

The Leadership Pipeline represents the flow of internal talent into business-critical roles. As such, organizational structures, processes, and reward mechanisms are geared towards encouraging preferred behaviors. The Pipeline clarifies the development path for the individual that will build the leadership capabilities required to operate successfully at higher levels. At each stage:

  • people need to be clear about the capabilities needed for each level
  • managers and leaders should use the skills and values expected at each level so that others can operate effectively.

“领导力管道”代表着内部人才流向业务关键角色。因此,组织结构、流程和奖励机制旨在鼓励首选行为。管道阐明了个人的发展路径,这些人将建立在更高级别成功运作所需的领导能力。 在每个阶段:

  • 人们需要清楚每个级别所需的能力
  • 管理者和领导者应该使用每个级别所期望的技能和价值观,以便其他人能够有效地运作。

Traditional approaches to leadership development tend to strengthen existing skills, and inadequate attention is paid to learning new ones. The Leadership Pipeline formally recognizes that change and improved performance occur best when the skills that are needed for the next level are built on a solid foundation at previous levels and when individuals are given the time and proper support and training to learn the skills, time management and values required for the new role.

传统的领导力发展方法倾向于加强现有技能,而对学习新技能的重视不够。 领导力管道正式承认,下一级别所需的技能建立在先前级别的坚实基础上,并且当个人获得时间和适当的支持和培训来学习技能、时间管理和价值观时,需要一个新的角色定位。

This clear framework makes it easy for people to see what capabilities and values are needed for successful career progression. It focuses people on the skills the organization needs, thus improving current and future performance.

这个清晰的框架使人们很容易看到成功的职业发展需要哪些能力和价值观。 它让人们专注于组织所需的技能,从而提高当前和未来的绩效。

Working towards successful transitions

Typically, career progression involves making successful transitions at six key stages:

  1. From managing yourself to managing others
  2. From managing others to managing managers
  3. From managing managers to functional director
  4. From functional director to business director
  5. From business director to group business director
  6. From group business director to company director.


  1. 从管理自己到管理他人
  2. 从管理他人到管理经理
  3. 从管理经理到职能总监
  4. 从职能总监到业务总监
  5. 从业务总监到集团业务总监
  6. 从集团业务总监到企业董事

In reality, people often make these transitions with little support and inadequate preparation, commonly modeling themselves on their predecessors and learning what works through trial and error. The Leadership Pipeline makes explicit what is required for success at each level. In particular, it clarifies the requirements in three key areas:

  1. Developing new skills
  2. Improving time management
  3. Adopting the values the organization is looking for.

在现实中,人们往往在缺乏支持和准备不足的情况下进行这些转变,通常以他们的前辈为榜样,并通过反复试验来学习什么是有效的。领导力管道明确了在每个级别取得成功所需的条件。 具体而言,它阐明了三个关键领域的要求:

  1. 拓展新技能
  2. 提升时间管理
  3. 采用企业正在寻求的价值观

Acquiring these capabilities at each level builds the foundation for success at the next level. Consequently, this focus on skills, time management, and values prioritizes improved performance for advancement – benefiting both the individual and the company.

在每个级别获得这些能力为下一个级别的成功奠定了基础。 因此,这种对技能、时间管理和价值观的关注将提高绩效放在首位——这对个人和公司都有好处。

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